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Clara’s main role in The Music Island will be played by…


Ladies and Gentlemen,


After a very long casting process, we are finally happy to introduce you the other lead actress of The Music Island Feature Film!

Clara’s role will be played by …..


Natasza Leśniak!

Acclaimed Actress/Dancer/Choreographer, a dedicated artist, with a broad experience.



During her preparation process, she attended a long list of various workshops and courses:

Training Actor extramural exam ZASP (2017),

Acting Technique Course with Simon Furness – Meisner Technique (2014 – 2016),

Acting Technique Class with Gary Condes – Meisner Technique (2014)

Acting Technique Course with Piotr Furman ( 2017 – 2018)

Acting Technique Course in Witkacy Theater at Zakopane ( 2010 – 2015).

It is worth mentioning that a big impact on her development it had Meissner Technique’s

Workshops, together with actors from Actors Temple Studio (for a period of 3 years).



Regarding her acting/dance experience, we leave the facts speak about Natasza:




Na niby, na prawdę,  directed by Andrzej Dziuk


Tuum Est, directed by Andrzej Dziuk


I was chased by a veil …,  directed by Anita Podkowa


La Loba, directed by Anita Podkowa


Short story of the torn dress, directed by Anita Podkowa


In Limbo, directed by Anita Podkowa


Bodo The Musical, directed by Dariusz Taraszkiewicz. Imka Theater, Warsaw. Role – Reri.


Transformations, directed by Adolf Weltschek, Groteska Theater in Krakow.


Natasza is also a co-founder of the new Teatr Rozrywki in Zakopane, RZT Szymaszkowa, playing in three different plays, under the direction of Hanna Zbyryt:


Wanted, ZośkaThe story of the Red Riding Hood told a little differently




Mercedes Benz










H. Samuel


TV Series


Leśniczówka“, dir. Maciej Żak (main role)


 Ojciec Mateusz, dir. Filip Zylber


 Barwy szczęścia, dir. Krzysztof Rogala




Thanatos, dir. Max Sturgeon


Gra w butelkę, dir. Lech Sawicki (film in progress)


Planeta Singli, dir. Sam Akina



Congratulations Natasza Leśniak!


We are sure that you will be an exceptional Clara!

Your commitment, attitude and acting during the rehearsals is OUTSTANDING!















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